Sunday, August 10, 2008

Nearly 60 years ago, these two got together...

And that union spawned many off-spring...which brings us to this little family re-union in Upper Ny. state August 7th. through Aug 15th 2008.

Good times, good food, waaaaay too much John Barleycorn!

So, thanks again to our parents...The Don, and Razel..

Of Course....time marches on and.........

Today somebody finally makes it to the big 50

Claire ...happy to share this Loco event! happy wife..

Robby, always derserving of special mention

As they say....a picture is worth 10000 words....

Libation, good food, and non-stop testosterone driven behavior..

My family doing what we do when we get close on a sunny summer day...

Of vacation is complete with-out the.....

Oh..yeah....Post-script...No fish were caught or harmed during the entire trip..LOL!

Hay ride for the young, and young at heart

Summer days, always better on a hay-ride, 3 miles round trip.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Brittany is just the sweetest niece..

Great looks starts from her Mom on down..

Meet Brian... he's 50 now...not young anymore...

Ya poor guy...old like the rest of us!

Meet youngest brother

He's D i f f e r e n t ....
He seems to need a re-fill